Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a historic and memorable event “Howdy, Modi!” at the NRG Stadium in Texas. It was a successful event with thousands and thousands of Indians watching from inside the stadium and millions watching from everywhere else in the world. Houston was said to be a historic milestone in highlighting the strong bonds and shared dreams of India and America. Interestingly it was also the first time that the US President Donald Trump and PM Modi shared a stage together, where both of them asserted on combating terrorism. More than 50,000 Indians cheered both for Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump with chants of ‘Modi, Modi!” on the one hand and ‘USA, USA!” on the other hand. Clearly Donald Trump couldn’t have asked for a better campaign pitch than what he got in Houston on Sunday.

There were two key issues that were discussed: one was immigration which is a very important issue for Trump and he sought to tell the audience where he stands on that immigration debate which is the key source in the US Presidential Elections 2020. Texas is important because much of the immigration debate is being framed around it which shares a border with the Southern Mexico. That’s where some of the controversial detention camps are being placed. The second issue was that of terrorism. For Prime Minister Narendra Modi to talk about Pakistan although he didn’t name it directly, in the presence of Trump and said that Trump is also against the terror and India is going to seek a final and decisive battle against the terror organizations and the people who finance and help them, was a bold statement to make. It certainly gives an indication to Modi’s intentions.
Modi Trumped Imran Khan’s Government-Modi Speech Highlights:
At the “Howdy, Modi!” event, Narendra Modi stressed on some deadly attacks carried out both in US and India. He said be it America’s 9/11 or Mumbai’s 26/11, the masterminds can always be traced down to one place. It’s high time that everyone should fight against the terrorism. Even US President Donald Trump singled out radical Islamic terror. It was a huge diplomatic coup for Mr. Modi. It was the first time for an American President to come and be a Guest of Honour in an event where clearly PM Modi was the focus for the attention. After the speech delivered he came down, held Mr. Trump’s hand and waved a victory hand around the stadium. He has, for all practical purposes, put his efforts on Trump winning his second term in US Presidential Elections 2020.

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Donald Trump is hoping to convince the Indian- Americans who are rich, affluent and politically aware. He is trying to appeal to at least some sections of the Indian- American Community which will help him to blunt this image of being anti-immigrant and anti- racial integration of United States. Trump said that India never has a better friend in the White house. He was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as his friend and also a friend of India. Addressing the massive crowd at the “Howdy, Modi!” event in Houston, Modi spoke on the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5, 2019. He said that Article 370 has kept people of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh away from development and equal rights. Terrorists and Separatists have taken advantage of this situation. The rights that the Indian Constitution has given to all the Indians will now be extended to the people of J&K and Ladakh.
Howdy, Modi- A dynamic event:
For Mr. Modi, in the presence of Trump, talking about Article 370-how it was an internal matter for India in an electrifying event at Houston should settle debate. In the meantime, Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran Khan had arrived before the event in the United States for the United Nations General Assembly. He received a meager welcome at the airport by his own officials and no States sponsored hospitality whatsoever. There was nothing on the table and Imran Khan stood exposed and isolated before the United Nations General Assembly. The “Howdy, Modi!” event was a well- crafted diminishment of Pakistan that started on September 15, 2019 and reached a crescendo on Sunday at the NRG stadium.
Two leaders of largest and biggest democracies joining hand and sharing the stage with a stand against radical terrorism was quite significant. The speech delivered by both the leaders, Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump was powerful and commendable. The “Howdy, Modi!” event demonstrated a strength not only to Indian- Americans but also to other countries across the Globe. The world will now know the status of Indians has increased in US politics and Indo-US relation has reached new heights.
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