CBSE 10th Board Exam Date Sheet 2020 has been released at cbse.nic.in. As per CBSE 10th Time Table 2020, exams for CBSE Class 10th will begin from February 15 onwards and the last exam will be conducted on 20th March 2020.

CBSE Class 10th Exam Schedule
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Tuesday, December 17 released the CBSE 10th Exam Date Sheet 2020 or CBSE Class 10th Time Table for the session 2019-20 on its official website (cbse.nic.in).
The exams will begin from February 15, 2020, and will be concluded on March 20, 2020.
This time, CBSE is conducting class 10 board exams a week earlier. The board has released a notification and directed all CBSE Schools to conduct practical examination between January 1, 2020, and February 7, 2020.
For class 10, the English language exam will be held on February 26, 2020, Hindi on February 29, 2020, Science on March 4, Mathematics on March 12, 2020, and Social Science on March 18, 2020.
The CBSE, for the first time, will be conducting two types of mathematics paper for class 10 this year—Mathematics basic and Mathematics standard. Those who are weak in the subject or have no plans to take the subject in class 11 have opted for Mathematics basic.
The timing of the examination will be 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
How to prepare for CBSE 10th Board Exam
Here we are providing you with some of the most effective tips for your Class 10 CBSE Board preparation.
Start preparing at the right time
Every student has different learning capabilities so we can’t say when each student should start preparing for the board exams. However, still, there is a common approach to the preparation which, if followed, can save you from disappointment at the time of exam results. Start preparing now. You still have time.

Make a timetable
It is not possible to achieve the target without making a time table. It is advised to every student to plan a proper study time and make a habit to stick to it.
Self-Study is very important
After school or coaching classes, every student must take out some time for self-studies to learn, to revise and practice on his/her own. It is very important. So don’t just depend on tuition or coaching classes for scoring good marks.
Adopt the best study habits
Every student must have some good study habit to excel in board exams. If you want to perform well then you must create a study plan and stick to it. Be punctual, be disciplined, know how to create a balance between academic and personal life.
Prepare a strategy for long answers
Long answers take too much time and it is understood if a student gets panicked while learning long answers. Here’s the key. Prepare a strategy to overcome the fear of learning long answers like break them into paragraphs, write them, relate them to the real-life situations and find examples so they stay in your mind for a long time.
Practising previous years’ question papers
Students are always advised to solve as many previous years’ question papers as possible when they are done with the revision of the whole syllabus. Practising question papers helps you check your preparation level. You can easily figure out how much you are prepared and how much you need to practice or learn more.
Solve CBSE Sample Papers
CBSE Sample papers are always released by the board for all subjects a few months before the commencement of board exams. Solving sample papers will boost your confidence level and help you work on your speed to finish your exam faster or on time. If you keep solving sample papers you can work on the time you would need to revise your answers in board exams.
Take regular breaks and enjoy, too
Do not study for long hours continuously. Every student must take a break after studying for an hour. These breaks are important to relax your mind and get ready for the next study session. It will help you remain focused and alert.
Don’t fear, just relax
Fear, anxiety or stress will only hamper your preparations and affect your performance in board exams. So, instead of taking stress, start preparing for the exam with a cool mind. You just need to give your best during board exams and wait for the results with a smile on your face.

Here’s CBSE 10th Board Exam Dates 2020: Main Subjects & Vocational Subjects

The complete CBSE 10th board exam 2020 date sheet is also available here for download (PDF format). Click here.
CBSE Related Images on India Content
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